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by Heather Stillufsen |
Monday, September 14, 2015
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Kit Kat Bakeable Cheesecake
Got this from a colleague who just came back from Japan..
She said the green tea Kit Kat is too normal..
so she bought these instead..
Being the silly me.. I overbaked them..
But its still taste good and yummy!
Where can we get these babies here in Malaysia? anyone??
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Makan - Makan || Hajjah Mona Asam Pedas, Melaka
So.. macam dalam entry sebelum ni.. we had asam pedas for dinner.. where? the famous asam pedas Hajah Mona in Kota Laksamana.. most of the review I read suggested here.. so, lets go!
The problem is.. Adam.. he don't eat asam pedas.. luckily there were otak-otak stall in front of the restaurant.. itu jela yang dia makan.. tak ingat brapa keping dia makan.. tapi memang banyaaaaak..
Ok, back to cerita asam pedas.. kat sini, the asam pedas comes together with nasi in a set.. and the nasi ada sayur taugeh and telur masin..
Mak and Abah shared kepala ikan something.. and I ordered asam pedas daging tetel..
Mak and Abah love their asam pedas.. they sat it hit their taste buds spot on! I can agree to that.. I tasted the gravy..
On the other hand my asam pedas tetel is a one notch spicier that the parent's and a bit salty.. quite a let down.. I was imagining to sip the gravy till the last bit.. but it is still good.. I managed to finish but didn't dare to sip the gravy..
Abah said he didn't mind to come here again for another fix of asam pedas.. it must be THAT good for Abah to say that.. So if you are in Melaka do try tne asam pedas here.. you wont regret..
Hajjah Mona Asam Pedas @ Melaka
No. 6, Taman Kota Laksamana, 75200 MELAKA
Tel : 012-601 3676
Hours : 0500pm-0500am(mon-sat) || 0900am-1000pm(sun)
I Say
Price : fairly priced for set dishes.. price are based on the type of asam pedas you ordered
Food : good asam pedas and lots of choices
Service : fast since we were there before the crowd came
Atmosphere : a simple concept
Cleanliness : clean
Parking : park along the restaurant
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Wedding || Ezreen & Fikri
A wedding of a Srikandi..
Since Dude's working, I went there with another Srikandi together with Adam..
The wedding is in Seremban..
We arrived at the wedding just as the bride & groom arrived..
But since I came with Adam, and he's already hungry..
So I ate first before meeting the bride & groom..
Together with other Srikandi's, we went to see the bride and took a couple of pictures..
and some wefie's..
After what seems like thousands of wefie's, we made our separate ways..
Me and my partner went home..
Such a happy moment to see the girls again..
So missing the happy days in Desa Tun..
"Ezreen & Fikri.. Congratulations on your union! Have a happy and joyful life together forever!"
After what seems like thousands of wefie's, we made our separate ways..
Me and my partner went home..
Such a happy moment to see the girls again..
So missing the happy days in Desa Tun..
"Ezreen & Fikri.. Congratulations on your union! Have a happy and joyful life together forever!"
Sunday, September 6, 2015
A Night in Melaka
I was instructed to attend a one day course in Melaka.. Since I'll be there alone with a one room accomodation, my parents and Adam tag along.. We arrive at the hotel, Swiss Garden just before Maghrib.. Adam was the one excited for the trip.. While me getting panicky to prepare for the next day training..
For dinner, Mak requested for assam pedas.. After reading couple of review, we head to a famous assam pedas restaurant that I will blog about later..
After dinner, we went for a walk at the connecting shopping mall.. Here Mak shops like crazy.. she bought not 1 but 2 sandals.. comfortable lah tu.. Summore mak dah lama tak membeli sandals for herself..
Tapi the downside of this hotel is takda supermarket nak beli titbits and mineral water.. terpaksa keluar balik cari kedai runcit..
Esok pagi-pagi Adam & I breakfast at the coffee house.. tak banyak sangat choices.. Adam pon tak ulang for second helping.. The parents awal-awal dah cakap nak cari makan kat luar.. So I continue with training, Adam and the grandparents jalan-jalan keliling Melaka..
Even the lunch pon not that much choices.. sekali hadap je dah habis rasa semua.. Maybe sebab hotel baru kut..
Yang bestnyer Swiss Garden is, the training room view.. we were at the top of the hotel overlooking Melaka skyline.. memang best.. And my father get to park at the VIP parking space infront of the hotel lobby.. What a special treatment..
The training wrapped up early around 4 something and we head back to KL home sweet home..
Tapi the downside of this hotel is takda supermarket nak beli titbits and mineral water.. terpaksa keluar balik cari kedai runcit..
Esok pagi-pagi Adam & I breakfast at the coffee house.. tak banyak sangat choices.. Adam pon tak ulang for second helping.. The parents awal-awal dah cakap nak cari makan kat luar.. So I continue with training, Adam and the grandparents jalan-jalan keliling Melaka..
Even the lunch pon not that much choices.. sekali hadap je dah habis rasa semua.. Maybe sebab hotel baru kut..
Yang bestnyer Swiss Garden is, the training room view.. we were at the top of the hotel overlooking Melaka skyline.. memang best.. And my father get to park at the VIP parking space infront of the hotel lobby.. What a special treatment..
The training wrapped up early around 4 something and we head back to KL home sweet home..
Friday, September 4, 2015
Makan - Makan || Aroma Ikan Bakar, Pantai Jeram, Kuala Selangor
Trip to Kuala Selangor ni is trip terkejut masa MIL came here.. Dude and his siblings nak bawak MIL jalan-jalan.. tapi too impromptu.. So plannyer asal jalan je..
Aroma Ikan Bakar
Jalan Jati, Pantai Jeram, Jeram, Kuala Selangor, 45800 SELANGOR
Tel : 019-208 4452 | 017-316 3117
Hours : 0100pm-0000am (mon-fri) || 1200pm-0000am (sat-sun)
I Say

Actually masa ni Dude & I plan nak lepak rumah je.. tapi kitorang terus shoot out to Kuala Selangor lepas Asar to meet the whole pack.. We were the first to arrive.. MIL with BIL and derang dapat book a room for the night.. kiotang yang lain dah takda room..
Plan asal untuk spend the night bertukar ke makan-makan di Jeram saja.. Where else? Aroma Ikan Bakar la.. Since kitorang awal, so kitorang la book tempat & order food.. Masa tu tak ramai orang lagi.. tapi table yang strategically located dah fully reserved.. yang ada yang dalam dewan yang panas.. tak kesahla.. asalkan dapat makan seafood..
Tak lama lepas tu, semua sampai tapi.. food tak sampai lagi.. ramai orang sangat.. Adam dah cranky sebab lapar.. Bila food sampai je, memang terus dia terkam tak tengok kiri-kanan dah..
First yang sampai ayam goreng kunyit Adam.. nothing to comment.. standard la ayam goreng kunyit.. tapi portion dia macam sikit je..
Next is sotong goreng sambal.. This dish have Dude's name all over it.. dia memang tak boleh makan takda sambal.. so this is especially for him.. I didn't quite like it sebab agak pedas to my liking.. Tapi tengok orang lain enjoy je.. okla kot..
Then came sayur kailan ikan masin.. biasa la kailan ikan masin.. what do you expect?
Ikan masak sweet sour came next.. Since I don't quite like fishes.. cannot comment here..
Butter Prawn.. overall nice tapi would have been extraordinary kalau prawn to lagi fresh.. tapi agak kering sikitla this dish.. macam makan udang goreng biasa je.. just ade tambah jaring-jaring telur tu..
Ok, this is my star dish for the nite.. pay attention ye.. MY Star Dish.. orang lain tak tau la..Ketam goreng salted egg.. walaupun agak dry tapi the taste hit spot on..Memang if we were to come again.. I would order this again.. YummS!
Malam tu semua balik dengan happy tummy.. Even MIL pon jugak.. Hope she enjoy the impromptu trip..
Aroma Ikan Bakar
Jalan Jati, Pantai Jeram, Jeram, Kuala Selangor, 45800 SELANGOR
Tel : 019-208 4452 | 017-316 3117
Hours : 0100pm-0000am (mon-fri) || 1200pm-0000am (sat-sun)
I Say
Price : normal price for a seafood restaurant.. I didn't know the exact amount because it was on my BIL
Food : tasty but some of the seafood is not fresh enough.. maybe because they took out the old stock to cover the demand for that day
Service : can be improved especially when interacting with patrons
Atmosphere : it was crowded that time.. couldn't comment much
Cleanliness : fair
Parking : if early you'll get to park at the parking lot, if not park by the roadside at your own risk.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
The boy with a patriotic spirit
Adam told me that he have to memorize some patriotic songs..
So here is where he practices the songs with me..
Please ignore the singer who is laying flat on the floor..
Monday, August 31, 2015
Sehati Sejiwa
(by : alif satar & koir gemersik chorus)
Demi... tanah yang bertuah
Taman... cinta merdeka..aa
Kasih... di hatiku ini
Untukmu... tanah pertiwi...ii
Dari... utara selatan
Juga... timur ke barat
Turut gagah... Sabah Serawak
Sehati Sejiwa
Ku dengar janjimu
Bayu Kinabalu
Ku dengar sumpahmu
Rejang yang membiru
Bersatu denganku
Tegap Titiwangsa
Malaysia Sehati sejiwa
Laut luas terbentang
Bukan satu halangan
Untuk kita bersama
Melafaz janji setia
Demi mu Malaysia
Cinta kasih di jiwa
Tidak akan kami khianatinya.
Walaupun berbeza
Budaya Agama
Bukanlah penghalang
Kita bergandingan
Marilah bersatu
Sehati sejiwa
Malaysia Kekal Sejahtera...
Korus Iban Kadazan…
(Mi i so ginavo) kadazan
(Kitai Dekak Mujur) iban
( mi i so ginavo)kadazan
(Ngetan Ke Menua) iban
(Mi i soginavo) kadazan
(Nyuluk Cita Mulia) iban
Malaysia Sehati Sejiwa
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Mak's Birthday Dinner || Sixty9 Islamic Steakhouse
This year birthday mak, Dude & I belanja dinner at this place.. Eventhough kitorang baru makan kat situ sekali je, tapi the food is okay and since mak & abah loves western kinda food.. it is the best choice..
Masa sampai tu tak ramai sangat lagi orang.. quite tenang.. and relax je nak order.. no rush.. tapi lepas dah ramai datang and quite penuh macam bising sikit tapi still acceptable..
Mak as expected order fish & chips.. portion memang besar..
Adam macam biasa, mushroom soup and Dude pon order the same chicken chop.. While Abah ordered Bratwurst.. this one lagi big portion.. Adam la paling seronok.. dapat "share" dengan aki..
Tapi yang paling win malam tu memang Adam.. birthday orang lain.. orang lain yang makan kek.. Memang sugar overload malam tu..
So, this is the place la to have a nice dinner with family.. Very comfortable..
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Made in Malaysia
Finally dapat dah makan aiskrim Pop Malaya.. What I can say?? Sedap!! Rasa sangat fresh.. memang made guna fresh fruits sebab tu sedap.. Baru rasa 2 flavour and more to come..
So, jom makan aiskrim Pop Malaya!! Sokong Malaysian Made!!

So, jom makan aiskrim Pop Malaya!! Sokong Malaysian Made!!
This one rasa creamy sebab ada vanilla tu.. lagipun honeydew pon dah rasa lemak jugak kan?
This one pon sedap sebab ada refreshing watermelon lepas tu ada masam-masam manis laici..
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