Plan untuk
pegi UK ni actually dah lama.. tapi asyik postpone from one year to another..
Tapi mesti pegi jugak sebab ada Red Devil nak visit tempat wajeeebb..
Finally towards
end of last year, ada promotion on flight to Manchester and summore its Emirates
(don’t get me wrong.. saje nak try other airlines.. all this while memang fly
MAS jek)
the happy boy |
in the train |
on the way to the gate |
Flight ke
Manchester is at 7.30pm.. Tapi kitorang dah ada at the airport dalam pukul 4
lebih lagi.. so we took our own sweet time checking in and jalan-jalan.. Takda
apa sangat nak tengok or beli pon.. sebab menahan nak membeli di destinasi..
with mama |
hungry boy |
Tengah queue
up nak boarding Adam cakap dia lapar.. ingat nak suruh dia tunggu inflight food
tapi takut pulak lambat.. So Dude pon lari kejap pegi carik food.. nasib baik
line panjang.. sempatla dia beli sandwiches and plain croissant..
boarding |
Boarding tu
takda masalah pon.. On board tu teros they gave children toys.. Memang the
steward walk around dengan a bag full of kids stuff.. Adam dapat a small bag
ada story book and a quicksilver wallet.. and
then a throw blanket with a stuffy.. Adam memang made himself comfortable laa..
no problem at all.. siap request window seat.. Lepas dah serve food.. its time
to sleep.. muahahah.. the best thing about sleeping onboard emirates is that
you’re accompanied with stars.. thousands of stars blinking.. and emirates seat have a wider leg room..
in the plane |
The journey to Dubai went well.. touch down at Dubai around 11++ at night.. settle everything almost midnight.. ouhh.. you dont have to worry about your luggage.. they will transfer your luggage to your next flight.. You only have to take care of hand luggage je.. lepas dah confirm gate next flight.. kitorang decide to just rest at the gate area..
at 3 in the morning and he's wide awake |
Kat area gate tu punya la ramai dah orang.. most of the seat yang boleh baring tu penuh.. but ade a couple of available tapi kat hujung sikit.. tak kesah la sebab nak tido sangat-sangat.. inflight tadi macam tak boleh nak tido sangat.. restless.. pasal apa pon tak tau..
Dapat la lelap 2-3 minit before this little boy (yang dah puas tido the whole journey from KL) ajak layan dia.. asal nak lelap je, dia panggil ajak borak.. I wonder kenapa dia tak buat gitu to Dude?? Close to 3 pagi, tengok ramai orang dah line up at the gate.. kitorang pon ape lagi.. sambung lah barisan tu.. masa tu lapar pon ada.. mengantuk pon ada.. dah tak sabar nak naik flight..
sunrise |
morning |
view from above |
Dalam flight, the same routine.. sorang steward round the plane with a bag full of goodies for kids.. this time around Adam dapat backpack with story book and a traveling diary.. also by quicksilver.. tapi ade this kid depan Adam dapat activity book.. So, saja la mintak for Adam.. he went for quite sometime and came back with an activity book and magnetic writing board.. so there you go.. happy Adam all the way to Manchester..
manchester city from above |
excited |
Finally after about 6++ hours kitorang safely landed at Manchester Airport.. Yang tak bestnyer the gate kitorang paling hujung sekali.. so menapak jauh.. dahla agak sejuk jugak sebab awal pagi lagi.. And lagi satu.. kitorang takut jugak sebab from my past experience and from some of my friends latest experience.. england is kinda strict pasal food.. since kitorang agak banyak food.. gelabah laa jugak.. tapi before that, kene go through immigration dulu.. sini pon kena prepared jugak.. soalan-soalan boleh tahan.. kira kena tau where you're staying.. apa activity yang you plannes to do.. and your itinerary.. Thats why dah prepare a file (infact I prepared 2 sets) semua document ada dalam tu..
manchester airport |
1 halangan dah lepas.. after this food pulak.. Tapi alhamdulillah.. rezeki kitorang.. maybe sebab morning flight.. takda orang tunggu pon kat situ.. so just walk out je laa.. and ohh.. please prepare small change masa nak claim luggage sebab you need the change for the trolley..
While walking out of the luggage claim area, kitorang dah takut-takut jugak.. tapi alhamdulillah rezeki kitorang.. takda orang yang tunggu, so.. jalan je la keluar.. Sementara Dude pegi claim our rented car, me & Adam tunggu luggage at the terminal.. Nasib baik, kawan Dude buat surprise untuk pick-up kitorang.. so dia la teman Dude for this process..
waiting for papa and our rented car |
Dah dapat kereta, satu lagi problem.. tak dapat cari pick-up passenger and luggage area.. depan area terminal memang takda.. everything must be prepaid..
Bila dah jumpa and dah load semua barang.. kitorang pon head up to our hotel.. IBIS BUDGET at Trafford Road..
manchester skyline |
Kita sambung lagi in the next entry..
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