Around 10 o'clock macamtu kitorang check-out and head to Jalan Petrie for late breakfast cum lunch.. brunch la kot kan?
Lepas breakfast, Jalan-jalan to my alma mater.. Tak susah sangatla.. sebab jalan sangat familiar.. Mintak permission from guard untuk masuk and visit the school.. Nasib baik boleh.. Dapatla tunjuk to Dude and Adam the area.. Tapi tak lama la sebab nak singgah JPO before balik and singgah Merlimau lagi before balik KL.. Tapi rezeki dapat jumpe my Biology teacher yang skarang dah jadi HEM.. garang and strict maintain..
Borak la seminit-dua.. tapi bila dah balik tu baru teringat.. whyla tak ambik gambar with her?
From there we head to Senai.. Ingatkan nak tunjuk Adam Legoland.. tapi he slept after the cough medication.. Tengok the new Legoland Hotel.. would plan a trip there bila pokok-pokok dah tinggi and redup sikit.. for now belum lagi kot..
Ingat nak singgah balik JPO.. hujan lebat sangatla pulak and Adam still sleeping summore.. so cancel..
Just singgah Merlimau untuk ambik all the fruits yang tengah banyak kat pokok.. penuh kereta dengan rambutan and langsat.. plus pisang also..
After this would plan another southern trip tapi would not include Singapore.. southern Malaysia sahaja..

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