A friend of Dude is getting married.. as a good friend marilah kita pergi.. since tak dapat nak attend the reception on his side kitorang decided to be in Rantau Panjang for the bride's reception.. driving is not an option so flying it is.. As a "good" wife I just let Dude do his thing.. from booking the flight and hotel room.. Dude cakap stay 1 night cukup.. macam takde ape nak buat je..katenye..
Our flight around 11 macamtu.. Lucky that we arrived early.. ade something happen.. Before this naik flight kalau pegi oversea and memang bawak passport.. tapi since this is a local flight.. tak bawak la passport kan? tapi still need an identification.. both me and Dude takde masalah.. we have our MyKad.. tapi Adam.. we lost his MyKid couple of months back.. and they have stop the MyKid altogether.. dan.. lady at the counter taknak lepaskan kitorang.. agaknya sebab kesian kot kan.. die kate if there is any identification or any card that have his name on it.. kalau takde kene buat report police and use that as identification.. Punggah lah handbag.. nasib baik jumpe appointment card Adam..so we were good to go..
happy to see planes infront of him |
excited face |
reading the inflight magazine |
we are on air! |
Sampai airport KB dah noon.. then waited for kereta sewa and then isi minyak.. dah Zuhur..perut pon lapar.. so off we go to the 1st place on my list..
touching down KB |
waiting for our luggage |
Restoran Nasi Ulam Cikgu at Kampung Kraftangan.. Nak cari senang je.. thanx to waze! Yang lambatnyer nak carik parking.. Memang penuh..Dekat restoran tu lagi la penuh.. sorry no picture of the place.. sesak yang amat.. lauk pon tinggal sikit je.. Yang banyak just ulam and the freshly fried ikan keli and ayam kampung that keep on coming.. dan budu juge tak dilupakan.. Kitorang ambik ikan keli & ayam kampung sekor each..ulam & budu.. Dude ambik kuah assam or kari sikit kot.. and then a small jug of air bandung selasih.. mostly layan diri.. For me the food biase-biase je... maybe sebab kitorang makan ikan keli & ayam goreng kampung je kot.. tapi specialty die memang la ulam yang banyak.. seriously banyak.. daun yang tak kenal pon ade.. semuanya ambik how many you like.. We paid around RM20 for all that.. and we even met a nice local family yang bagi tips untuk pegi Rantau Panjang the next day..
Lepas tu check-in to Hotel Perdana to rest and refresh.. nice hotel.. Bagi Adam catch-up on his beauty sleep kejap..
Hotel Perdana |
That evening kitorang ronda-ronda pekan KB and finally ke Pantai Cahaya Bulan.. PCB.. Traffic jam boleh tahan.. banyak bas.. Nasib baik dapat parking depan kedai-kedai makan tepi laut tu.. Instead of duduk tepi pantai tu kitoran melepak at one of the shops.. Dude ordered air kelapa & seafood goreng on stick.. sedap! sebab walaupon dah di pre-fry, they still re-fry for the crisp.. Tapi bila nak bayar sedap tu terus hilang.. Mahal! Maghrib kitorang pon balik without even putting our feet on the sand.. eheheh.. kire sampai jugakla PCB kan?
fresh air kelapa at PCB |
the beach |
Malam pulak, another friend of Dude yang datang jugak to KB ni ajak dinner (or is it supper?) sesama.. He suggested to eat seafood or better yet ikan bakar.. Dah lambat macam tu pon this kedai Restoran Selera Ikan Bakar nearby Wakaf Che Yeh still penuh.. must be good.. I just let Dude and his friend and wife to do the ordering.. Saya penjaga anak-anak.. So they ordered a plate of yong tou foo.. ikan siakap bakar... ikan cencaru bakar.. sotong goreng tepung.. there were limitless ulams and bottomless sambal and air assam.. still no picture.. terlupa bawak kamera and the phone is with Adam.. to keep him calm.. heh!
That was the end of our Day 1 in KB..
Masjid Muhammadi on the way back to hotel |
Pintu Gerbang on the way back to hotel |
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