Dah plan lama dah nak ke selatan.. bile bercuti je mesti to up north.. tak pun pantai timur.. kenape tak penah ke selatan??! ntahla..
on the way |
Balik Merlimau a day earlier.. Esok tu pagi-pagi dah bertolak ke Johor.. All the way smooth je.. The first stop is JPO.. Ingatkan boleh la shopping sikit-sikit tapi ramai sangat orang.. somemore eventhough harga is much-much less than the boutique tapi sizes and designs are limited..
The food pon limited at the foodcourt.. and sangat tidak sedap.. seriously.. kesian Adam.. makan tak habis.. sanggup makan my nasi goreng yang pedas.. kalau nak pergi JPO be prepared with your own food..
Kesimpulan kat JPO, boleh bershopping.. tapi timing memang kena betul.. which not on any long weekends.. or to be exact.. weekends is a no-no.. actually ada nak beli baju & pants untuk Adam but to see the long queue sangat tidak berbaloi..
Keluar dari JPO dah hujan..so terus la ke hotel.. alhamdulillah.. thanx to Waze (the best apps ever) sampai la ke hotel Puteri Pacific Hotel.. kalau nak harapkan my memory yang dah berkarat ni memang tak sampai la.. after 17 years.. JB surely dah different.. ingat-ingat lupa.. tapi banyak sangat new roads..tak boleh nak connect the dots.. thats why Waze came in handy..
Dah check-in hotel tu kitorang freshen up.. and nap kejap..
Dalam pukul 6 camtu went out nak cari makan.. tapi hujan so mana-mana list of tempat to try terpaksa crossed off sebab tak sesuai makan time hujan.. Dah berpusing-pusing nak dekat sejam barula kitorang stop kat Restoran Singgah Selalu..
That night early night in sebab tomorrow going to be hectic day.. A whole day in Singapore..
p/s: we brought along a niece for this trip

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