Yesterday me and the husband brought Adam to Aquaria since he now knows how to react to his surrounding.. We have an aquarium at home with pairs of small fishes..hence we chose Aquaria..
Morning.. the husband had his usual tennis session.. and we make our way to KLCC after Zuhur.. Adam was very excited as if he knows that he's going for "jalan-jalan".. He even ignored my parents and didn't even waved goodbye to them.. He gestured with his body for me to bring him to the car..afraid he'll be left behind..what a cutie!!
During lunch @ Chilli's
Having his tank filled
We had our late lunch at Chilli's before headed to Aquaria.. Adam was being very impossible during the lunch..he couldn't sit still..played with his food..even mine..
During the walk from KLCC to the convention centre (by this time Adam was safely strapped in his stroller) he sang while gulping his milk.. He knows he's on the the way to something interesting..
While waiting for the husband bought the entrance ticket.. me and Adam waited infront of the gate..From there he saw a tank full piranhas..he's getting more excited and wanted to get free of his avoid a scene..i took him that time the husband joined us and we entered Aquaria..infront of the piranha's tank..Adam screamed excitedly..his screamed sounded something like "tisshh..isshh.." i guess he's trying to call for!! and he laughed and smiled as the fish came to him..eheheh.. he didn't want to move to other tank.. But we have to..
Excited to see a tank full of fishes
All in all.. he enjoyed his time there at Aquaria.. it was money well spent eventhough Adam entered fro free..heeeee..he managed to dip his hands and feet in the tank.. and he smiled alot.. and drank alot too.. by the time we entered the big tank.. he's getting sleepy..and we put him in his stroller..
The butterflies did not interest him at all
He wanted to jump into one of the tank
I love to see this huge tank

In the tunnel
He's eyes got bigger again after he saw the coral fishes tank..the fish colours attracts him i guess.. he sang (in his own language) as he watched the fishes.. at the end of the aquaria gets dark.. i can sense that he's afraid..because he asked us to hold him..and give a little cry..
Lion fish
His foot was way more interesting than the fishes??
Eggs of the sand shark

Water snails?
Jelly fish
By the time we reached home Adam was totally worn-out..he slept early.. How i love seeing his excited face exploring new things.. where should we headed this weekend?? any suggestions??
p/s: Adam was restless last night while sleeping.. and he mumbles alot.. but he's the cheerful Adam this morning..nothing bad i hope.. maybe he dreamt of his exciting day yesterday??