Baru je sampai from kampung petang tadi.. so here i summarised my Raya holiday in 1 entry laa yerk?? eheheh.. still in kampung mood.. so i write in bahasa rojak..
1 Syawal
Tahun ni my turn to Raya at my side.. and we decided nak balik kampung to Taiping!! tapi balik lepas semayang raya ..settle2 lepas zuhur macamtu laa.. punyela penat pagi raya tuh..little Adam buat hal tanak dah pegi masjid semayang dier still tedo how now brown cow? padehal dah tedokan dier awal dah malam tadi.. hmmm..dahlaa helper kitorang kasik cuti raya.. hectic siket laaa..
Lepas dier dah bangun..suap dier makan.. then mandikan dier..part nak pakai baju ni another struggle.. fuhhh..exercise mama pagi2 nih.. so after dah settle dengan dier.. its my turn bersiap.. by that time sumer org dah balik masjid.. then ziarah raya to my uncle's memang lame laaa melepak situ..skalinyer dah tengahari..ahahahah..boleh x sedarkan??
By that time baru sedar kitorang xde gambar raya..ehehehehe..skali dah siap2 posing.. nak amek camera battery habess??!! boleh?? (lesson learned : make sure before aper2 occasion.. siler charge battery camera)..
The journey to Taiping took us around 3 hours..sampai rumah my grandmom pukul 5.30 macamtu laa.. so beraya2 sket..then bergerak ke rumah aunties & cousins.. tapi punyerlaa panas Taiping nih..fuh..luckily i chose cotton for our Raya attire (every year pon cotton..muahahahah).. dah malam sket..pulang balik ke sarang..which is my grandmom punye rumah..little Adam memang dah restless..panas amattt!! pastu pulak tedo dalam kelambu..berasap laaaa..nasib baik dier tido gak at last.. selang seli with crying sebab takut firecrackers..
2 Syawal
Harini just continue with beraya..tapi tak banyak rumah pon..sebab panas sangat..banyak spent time duduk rumah dan menyejukkan diri sendiri.. tapi sempat jugak pekena cendol Bismillah..known to be the best cendol..everytime balik Tepen..mesti pekena cendol kat sini..that evening we were joined by my bro & co yg datang dari Alor Star.. malam tu dinner sponsored.. eheheh..another hot sleepless night...
3 Syawal
Nothing much to do.. mostly semua rumah dah pegi.. so today kitoang jalan2 kat Tepen jek.. actual plan nak naik Bukit Bendera a.k.a Bukit Maxwell.. tapii.... hmmm..taktaulaa ape yg buat plan tu kene kensel..
so kitorang jenjalan ke Port Weld.. or now known as Kuala Sepetang.. alaaaa.. yang famous dengan mee udang tu..tapi kitorang tak makan laa kat situ..sebab tgk kuah dier cair jek..summore my mom buat laggiiiii sedap... muehehehehe..
I was imagining that Port Weld tu ader a proper place for visitors to visit the port tapi takde pon.. kalau nak ke port kene lalu celah2 rumah orang..boleh kah gitu?? tak sanggup laa.. kitorang lalu laa Masjid dier.. Balai Polis and the spot where it used to be stesen ketapi yang pertama.. yang skarang tinggal signage jek.. gambar pon tak ambik banyak.. little Adam mengganggu konsentrasi mama..
pekan Port Weld |
balai polis Port Weld |
masjid Port Weld |
used to be the first railway station |
After Zuhur..siap2 sumer then we take our leave..untuk balik KL.. my parents left earlier sbb tunggu kitorang lambat sangat.. Plan asal nak stay another nite..tapi tak sanggup..panas sangattt.. (rasa keji giler biler dok bising2 panas..macam diva sumer org komen i'm not alone here)
But we were unlucky.. i guess ramai org yang plan nak balik the same day..sbb the journey dari rumah my grandmom to the Changkat Jering Tol yang selalunya took us 10 minutes dah jadi 30 minutes.. 2 jam kitorang baru sampai Ipoh right after the tunnel tuh.. so Mr. AZ decied to stopover dekat rumah his friend area Parit.. and most probably spent the nite kat hotel somewhere that area..high probability is at Lumut...ehehehe.. so.. saya telah mencadangkan Damai Laut.. he's ok with that..
At his friends house tu kitorang langkah kanan habis.. family dier buat BBQ..oohhh..sedapnyer kambing.. rumah kawan dier tu pon panas kitorang pon tak lama kat situ..little Adam buat perangai takut bunga api.. penat dah ajar dier "bunga api cantekkk" tak jalan jugak.. menjerit macam kene sebat..
Pastu we were on the way to Lumut.. Mr. AZ dah block a room kat Damai Laut.. yeaaahooo!! masa on the way..i dozed off.. now i know.. Mr. AZ will be lost withour me navigating him.. sbb dier missed the turn to Lumut and kitorang dah terlajak ke Teluk Muroh.. kat situ ader one island they called it Marina Island and ader satu hotel apartment which is quite new..BEST WESTERN.. since its already late, and ader bilik kosong (eventhough quite big for the 3 of us).. kitorang decided to stay there.. the room.. very spacious.. little Adam berlari2 dalam bilik.. okla for the nite.. kitorang tedo dengan aman sbb sejuk aircond.. eeheheh..
4 Syawal
Bangun pagi2 turun for breakfast.. spread dier boleh tahan laa.. dah makan tu ingatkan little Adam nak swim kat pool.. tapi dier tanak..nak tengok kat tepi kitorang naik laa..buat aper nak berpanas kat bawah tu.. then we decided to let him berendam jer dalam tub kat bilik.. punyerlaa seronok mamat tu berendam ngan papa dier.. sampai tanak kluar.. lepas tu teros sebotol susu and went to lalaland..
check out at this hotel pukul by that time kitorang pon dah setle2 check out.. still a long way to go.. singgah Lumut.. beli serba sedikit barang2 kering utk rumah.. then off carik jalan pulang.. memang mencari jalan pulang ok.. sbb kitorang lalu Setiawan.. and from Lumut memamg takde signage utk ke plus highway.. sampai laa ke Bidor baru jumpe.. giler!! jauh tuuu.. sempat laa singgha leaning clock tower kat Teluk Intan or used to be named Teluk Anson.. tak turun pon..panas sangat!!
and finally dalam pukul 5 lebih tadi kitorang sampai to our familiar environment.. and here I am..
p/s: rasa sedeh pulak entry pasal raya tapi takde gamba raya.. how?? nak buat suggestion to take a proper family picture laa..