Actually ni masa awal-awal IOI City Mall launching.. tak banyak lagi kedai bukak.. so, kitorang tak jalan banyak sangat.. More to nak cari makan jek.. since hari Jumaat kan? Tapi sebab satu floor tu penuh dengan tempat makan.. we were spoiled with choices..
End up kitorang just walk to a place yang stand out.. Toast Box masa ni sangat menyerlah sebab dia all-white.. terang sangat nampak.. Menarik giler!!
Dah tengok menu terus Q-up and order kat kaunter.. Yup! self-order.. tapi food akan dihantar kat meja.. Kitorang order toast.. mee siam special and curry laksa..
Tunggu tu agak lama jugak.. tengok meja lain pon still tunggu food.. after about like an eternity later.. air and toast sampai.. Nasib down sikit..
Tunggu lagi for the main dish.. tunggu punya tunggu punya tunggu.. tak sampai.. and the last draw adalah bila one of the staff boleh datang and tanya apa yang kitorang order? like what the $#%#?? Masa tu dah hangat dah.. sebab lunch hour is almost over and kitorang x mkan lagi..
So, we asked one of the waiter cakap kitorang nak cancel our order boleh tak? Lepas tu th ordere cashier yang ambik have the guts untuk datang and cakap "boleh.. tapi saya kena kira yang dah makan ni la!" dengan jeling lagi.. perggghhhh.. dia ingat kitorang nak makan free ape??!!
Kitorang pon habiskan lah apa yang tinggal.. since dah nak kena charge kan?? Tak lama lepas tu the cashier datang and bagi balance without even saying sorry or bagitahu apa yang dia charge..
That's it!! full stop! No more Toast Box after this.. sorry..
the counter |
toast |
4 layer coffee |
syrup bandung |
Toast Box @ IOI City Mall
LG-73, IOI City Mall, Lebuh IRC, IOI Resort City62502 PUTRAJAYA
Hours : 1000am - 1000pm (daily)
I Say
Price : affordable
Food : ok for the ones that reached our table
Service : bad! I really am not satisfied..
Atmosphere : i like the interior design.. infact, that the one that make me decide to eat there..
Cleanliness : clean
Parking : parking at the shopping mall parking spaces