So this year the husband got his turn to raya at his hometown..Unfortunately I can't get the extra leave.. Have to be on duty for the rest of the first week of raya..
Went back to Melaka after terawikh on Friday night.. The road was okay.. I guess most of the city people rush out the day before.. Arrive safely at MIL close to 2 a.m.. that is with a pit stop at RnR Ayer Keroh for supper at KFC.. You can guess that little Adam was the one excited with the supper.. and I was super surprised with little Adam.. he didn't slept all through the journey..
We were shocked by a news received that Mr. AZ's only uncle on his father's side passed away the night before.. the jenazah will be kebumi in the morning..
The next day nothing much we did.. Just a day spent in the kitchen helping MIL.. Macam la tolong banyak sangat kan??!! heee..
Buka puasa that night with nasi himpit, kuah kacang, rendang daging & kari ayam.. No lemang or ketupat palas to be seen.. such a different spread from my side.. While the adults were having last buka puasa outside.. the kiddies was excitedly playing bunga api & mercun.. and sadly I have to admit that my little son are still afraid of all those thing.. he was screaming and crying when he heard all the dentam-dentums.. and the perang mercun all around MIL's house was not helping at all.. That night, he slept restlessly.. still uncomfortable with all the sound.. heheheheh..
The next morning was an early morning.. even little Adam pon bangun awal.. He can sense something's happening.. and it was easy to prepare him that morning cause he saw all the abangs are already on their baju melayu.. so he agreed to wear his baju melayu.. the theme for this year is blue..
When all came back from solat raya, we were already prepared for salam-salam & picture.. but the MIL was too busy.. I still can't remember what she was busy about.. kept on going from front to back.. In the end we salam-salam almost noon.. haaah.. picture?? none.. it was almost a rush.. and we went out to raya after that..
The only house we went for raya was Mr. AZ's grandmother's house.. that's it.. and the rest of the day was spent at home.. ZZZZing...
these are series of our family picture.. and it's among the best.. |
my handsome hero in full attire |
me & my hero |
Second day of Syawal was like a normal day.. the only difference was lotsa kids came for beraya.. Only manage to go out for beraya after Zuhur.. and was like 3 houses.. than back home and ZZZing some more.. heee.. The hot weather was not helping with the beraya at all..
At one of the houses we went for beraya, I get to try for the first time buah koko.. anybody ever tried it before?? I was imagining that it will taste like the cocoa powder.. but it was sweet with a little twinge of sour..Macam mana nak cakap ye?? macam buah durian belanda kot?? or even a mangosteen?? ntahla.. combination of both.. Tapi tak puas sebab too small and there is 1 je buah koko yang survived from squirrel attack.. so we had to share.. Sape tau mane nak carik buah koko?? sila share.. muahahahha.. macam teros addicted jek..
isi buah koko yang sedap [pic : google] |
beraya- raya day 2 |
Day 3 pon takda buat apa..just hanging out and tolong MIL.. sedar-sedar dah petang and we had to go back sebab esoknya dah nak keje.. what to do?? Raya this year not so sakan.. onething sebab tak boleh extend cuti.. and the other thing.. tak ramai yang beraya at MIL's.. so not so fun.. ehehehe..
Sampai KL dah pukul 1.. and straight to bed we go sebab esok kene bangun pagi nak gi keje.. huhuhuhuhuuh..
p/s : now at office.. alone.. sejuk.. ngantok..