Thursday, January 21, 2010

Adam Milestones @ 14 months

Adam's development is a bit slow than normal babies.. as expected.. i've been warned by the doctors before.. But i just syukur that he developed according to the usual development chart eventhough a bit slow.. he did all the things that is expected of a baby cum toddler.. but a little behind time.. i just take it step by step..

Milestones ][

  • crawl as fast as i can blink!
  • climbing especially his clothes box
  • cleaning the house especially all the lower cabinets
  • became the handyman in the house by checking all the cabinets and drawers to make sure it works
  • singing & babbling in his own words
  • stop anything he does and kept silent when he hears the azan or somebody's reciting Al-Quran
  • react to someone else's action..especially when other kids/babies playing with his toys, he'll make a disapproval face
  • follows some of the words we teach him
  • eats when other people eat..even after his own meal
  • have 4 upper & 4 lower white bullets in his mouth

showing off his white bullets

His angry face

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