Dah plan lama dah nak makan seafood.. tapi asyik tak jadi je.. so one day kitorang just redah.. Dude suggest to move early nak elak the crowd.. after Asar kitorang pon bertolak menghala ke Jeram.. took LATAR expressway..
From review dapat tau the best seafood place is Aroma Ikan Bakar.. Memang aim nak pegi situ.. Sadly, masa sampai terlalu pack sampai kensel plan sebab tengok orang beratur nak pilih seafood & order panjang sangat-sangat.. Ingatkan awal rupanya dah lambat.. So, kitorang moved to the next place.. dekat sebelah je.. Medan Ikan Bakar Pantai Jeram..
Masa sampai tu most of the tables dah taken.. Ada table yang kosong tapi reserved.. Tapi Dude just pegi pilih seafood & order while Adam & I cari tempat.. By the time Dude settle order baru kitorang dapat seat.. itupon sebab ada orang dah nak balik..
Masa order seafood the person in-charge akan bagi card with number.. nanti tukang ambik order air & makanan tambahan akan catat nombor tu.. selepas itu sila tunggu dengan penuh kesabaran..
beratur untuk pilih seafood |
Tunggu dalam setengah jam jugak.. kira dah cukup laju for that kind of crowd..
As for the food.. the taste so-so je.. tapi the freshness memang tak boleh nak deny.. memang fresh habis.. ketam tu?? isi memang sedap la.. ikan sweet sour tu pulak dah digoreng awal.. so x garing and dah sejuk.. tapi macam pelik sebab ikan tu sampai paling last.. hmmm.. tak taulah ape masalah. and sos sweet sour tu letak mixed vege.. fail big time!
Tapi ada one thing yang nak komen about the system there.. walaupon boleh reserved.. bagi la limit berapa lama boleh reserved the seat.. ada one big portion of table tu reserve tapi dari start kitorang sampai.. sampai dah balik still kosong.. kesian kat orang yang baru datang tapi takde seat..
Tapi next trip to Jeram mesti.. I repeat MESTI pergi makan dekat Aroma Ikan Bakar!!
Medan Ikan Bakar Pantai Jeram
Batu 19, Jalan Pantai Jeram, 45800 Jeram, SELANGOR
Tel : 03 - 3264 6102 | 012 - 236 2467 | 012 - 387 8375
Hours : 0500pm - 1200am (mon-thu) | 0500pm - 0100am (fri-sat) | 0400pm - 0100am (sun)
I Say
Price : affordable
Food : although the taste is so-so but the seafood is super fresh
Service : they were acceptable for the crowd that day
Atmosphere : they open air and covered eating place..
Cleanliness : clean
Parking : ample around the area