Wednesday, August 1, 2012

12th Ramadhan 1433H

Today's meal were dominated by my mom.. A friend of my mom sent a piece of a large keladi from her hometown.. since it's her favourite.. keladi i mean.. so there were 2 dishes of keladi.. 1 sayur keladi, 2 pengat ubi keladi.. there you go.. a 'perfect' dish for someone like me with angin and everything.. I try to avoid the keladi.. but had to taste a little..

lamb stew (reheat from yesterday)
masak lemak telur itik
sambal goreng
sayur keladi
sayur bayam + labu
kerabu mangga
ikan goreng
sambal belacan
ikan pekasam with bawang & cili padi goreng
pengat ubi keladi

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